#!/usr/bin/env nft -f flush ruleset table ip Inet4 { chain NAT_in { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 # Trusted hosts tcp dport 443 ip saddr redirect to 444 } chain NAT_out { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 ct status dnat masquerade } chain FilterIn { type filter hook input priority 0 policy drop # allow established/related connections ct state {established, related} accept # early drop of invalid connections ct state invalid drop # allow from loopback meta iif lo accept # allow icmp ip protocol icmp accept # trusted https ct status dnat accept # https tcp dport 443 accept # xmpp client tcp dport 5222 accept # xmpp server tcp dport 5269 accept # xmpp components tcp dport 5347 accept } chain FilterOut { type filter hook output priority 0 policy drop ct state {established, related} accept meta oif lo accept # DNS ip daddr accept ip daddr accept ip daddr accept ip daddr accept ip daddr accept meta skuid prosody accept } }