///// # The epsi2ics project produces an ICS file from an EPSI school-year calendar. # Copyright © 2019–2020 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. ///// = EPSI to ICS :toc: == Introduction For some reason, the tool chosen by the EPSI school to publish their school calendars to students, does not provide either CalDav or ICalendar access! Since the ICS format is easy enough to generate, it was a simple task to convert the HTML to ICS. == Features This tool transforms each block looking like that: ```html
teacher name
class-group name
13:00 - 15:00 Salle:N202(HEP Nantes)
``` into entries like that: ``` BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20191001T110000Z/epsi2ics/YOUR.LOGIN@HOSTNAME DTSTAMP:20191001T184200Z DTSTART:20191001T110000Z DTEND:20191001T130000Z SUMMARY:HTLM5 / CSS3 LOCATION:N202(HEP Nantes) DESCRIPTION:🗣 teacher name 👥 class-group name END:VEVENT ``` The script generates these entries starting from the middle of the past summer, until the middle of the next summer. However, a “patch” mode is available, that updates a given number of weeks, starting from the current one. The source “XHTML” is definitely not XML, and hardly HTML at that, so the script does not use any XML tooling, and does its best to have the right data in the right format. If you encounter a bug, do not hesitate to create a ticket `;-)` == Requirements Very few requirements: bash, GNU awk, GNU date, sed, tr, and curl, usually on Linux. This probably also works on MacOS-X, Cygwin, Git-bash, WSL, and so on. Optionally, `sendmail` can be used to notify of calendar changes, and `systemd` can automate the process. The current locale must be an UTF-8 locale. == Usage See the header of the script for parameters: the student login name (firstname.lastname); the ICS file to write; email addresses to notify, etc. systemd unit-files and packaging are provided for ArchLinux. [literal.small] ..... # The epsi2ics project produces an ICS file from an EPSI school-year calendar. # Copyright © 2019–2020 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. .....