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Y b2adb834d4 Box and array 2019-11-17 16:16:25 +01:00 Box and array 2019-11-17 16:16:25 +01:00


In module modules, I have:

pub trait Module {
  fn run(&self, record: &mut Record) -> Result<bool, ()>;

In module filters, I have:

pub struct Equals {  }

impl Equals {
  pub fn from_args(mut args: ModuleArgs) -> Equals {
    Equals {  }

impl Module for Equals {
  fn run(&self, record: &mut Record) -> Result<bool, ()> {  }

goal, “naive-style”

What I really want (for a start) is that, in module modules:

struct Available {
  name: String,
  cons: Box<fn(ModuleArgs) -> dyn Module>

const available: [Available] = [
  Available { name: "equals", cons: }

with available being an array of available modules, each having a name and a constructor.


The above code gives me these errors (which I suspect are hiding the next error about "equals" probably being &str instead of String…):

  • first:

    error[E0423]: expected value, found struct `Box`
      --> src/
    10 |   Available { name: "equals", cons: }
       |                                     ^^^ constructor is not visible here due to private fields
  • second:

    error[E0277]: the size for values of type `[modules::Available]` cannot be known at compilation time
     --> src/
    9 | const available: [Available] = [
      |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
      = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `[modules::Available]`