--- # The home-server project produces a multi-purpose setup using Ansible. # Copyright © 2018 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. # Short personal nickname that will be mostly used as part of filenames under /etc. nickname: personal # Hostname and IPv4 address of the DMZ. DMZ: dmz DMZ_IP: # Hostname and IPv4 address of the back-end server (with all the data). SafeZone: home SafeZone_IP: # Domain names that the certificate should cover. acme_domains: 'example.org www.example.org pubsub.example.org' # Public key that Ansible will use to manage the server, and IP address of the controller PC. # The public key (`….pub` file) is generated as the result of running `ssh-keygen -t ed25519`. ansible_authorized_key: 'ssh-ed25519 AAAA0000bbbb1111CCCC2222dddd3333EEEE4444ffff5555GGGG6666hhhh7777IIII me@my-pc' ansible_master: # System user that will build packages from AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/). aur_user: git # Just leave this with an empty-string value. chroot: '' # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_console default_keymap: en # https://jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz/arch/manpages/man/papersize.5 default_papersize: a4 # LDAP (real) user that will have admin rights in Dotclear (the blog). dotclear_admin_user: me # Name of the Dotclear database in PostgreSQL. dotclear_db: dotclear # PostgreSQL user who owns the Dotclear database. dotclear_db_user: dotclear # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Dotclear database. dotclear_db_password: dotclear # Dotclear encrypts sensitive data with a master key, that is set here (random string). dotclear_master_key: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz # Location where Dotclear is installed, which *must* end with “/dotclear” dotclear_root: /srv/webapps/dotclear # The default locale (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Locale). locales_default: 'en_US.UTF-8' # All installed locales on the server. locales_enabled: 'en_US.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 fr_FR@euro' # Enable DNSSEC in systemd-resolved (“yes” or “no”, as a character string); experimental! dns_sec: 'no' # DNS servers to use on the server, for example: # FDN-1 (v4) FDN-2 (v4) FDN-1 (v6) FDN-2 (v6) OpenNIC-1 OpenNIC-2 Google dns_hosts: ' 2001:910:800::12 2001:910:800::40' # Nearest NTP servers (https://www.ntppool.org/). ntp_hosts: '0.uk.pool.ntp.org 1.uk.pool.ntp.org 2.uk.pool.ntp.org 3.uk.pool.ntp.org' # IP addresses that are allowed to browse DLNA/uPNP contents, even though they are not trusted. # This is a space-separated list of networks (IP/bits). # A typical example would be a living-room BD player or TV, which includes a DLNA client. fw_dlna_clients: # Number of minutes allowed between two consecutive ports of the port-knocking sequence. fw_knock_timeout_min: 2 # Port-knocking sequence. A port may appear multiple times, but not next to each-other. fw_portknock_seq: 1 22 333 4444 333 22 1 # The email address associated to root, for commits in the git repository that stores changes to /etc. git_contact_email: hostmaster@example.org # Watch new repositories inside the already-watched perimeter by default. gitea_auto_watch_new_repos: 'true' # Name of the Gitea (web UI for Git) database in PostgreSQL. gitea_db: gitea # PostgreSQL user who owns the Gitea database. gitea_db_user: gitea # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Gitea database. gitea_db_password: gitea # Disable Gravatar pictures. gitea_disable_gravatar: 'false' # Disable HTTP for Git access. gitea_disable_http_git: 'false' # Disable mirrors. gitea_disable_mirrors: 'true' # Disable creation of organisations in Gitea (“true” or “false”, as a character string). gitea_disable_org_creation: 'true' # Disable self-registration in Gitea (“true” or “false”, as a character string). gitea_disable_registration: 'false' # Disable logs by Gitea router. gitea_disable_router_log: 'false' # Enable API and Swagger UI. gitea_enable_api: 'true' # Enable caching for the web UI. gitea_enable_cache: 'true' # Enable email notifications in Gitea (“true” or “false”, as a character string). gitea_enable_notify_email: 'true' # Enable OAuth2 provider. gitea_enable_oauth2_provider: 'false' # Index repositories. gitea_enable_repo_indexer: 'true' # Enable user heat-map. gitea_enable_user_heatmap: 'true' # Enable the time-tracking feature. gitea_enable_timetracking: 'true' # Available languages. gitea_i18n: [ {"code": "en-US", "label": "English"}, {"code": "zh-CN", "label": "简体中文"}, {"code": "zh-HK", "label": "繁體中文(香港)"}, {"code": "zh-TW", "label": "繁體中文(台灣)"}, {"code": "de-DE", "label": "Deutsch"}, {"code": "fr-FR", "label": "français"}, {"code": "nl-NL", "label": "Nederlands"}, {"code": "lv-LV", "label": "latviešu"}, {"code": "ru-RU", "label": "русский"}, {"code": "uk-UA", "label": "Українська"}, {"code": "ja-JP", "label": "日本語"}, {"code": "es-ES", "label": "español"}, {"code": "pt-BR", "label": "português do Brasil"}, {"code": "pt-PT", "label": "Português de Portugal"}, {"code": "pl-PL", "label": "polski"}, {"code": "bg-BG", "label": "български"}, {"code": "it-IT", "label": "italiano"}, {"code": "fi-FI", "label": "suomi"}, {"code": "tr-TR", "label": "Türkçe"}, {"code": "cs-CZ", "label": "čeština"}, {"code": "sr-SP", "label": "српски"}, {"code": "sv-SE", "label": "svenska"}, {"code": "ko-KR", "label": "한국어"} ] # JWT secret for OAuth2 gitea_jwt_secret: az09ZA_az09ZA_az09ZA_az09ZA_az09ZA_az09ZA # Space-separated list of mime types to accept for attachments (“*/*” means: “anything”). gitea_mime_attach: 'image/jpeg image/png application/zip application/gzip' # Notifications refresh in seconds. gitea_notif_min_timeout: 10 gitea_notif_max_timeout: 60 gitea_notif_timeout_step: 10 # A random salt-string for internal encryption (change it!). gitea_security_secret: '!#@FDEWREWR&*(' # System user running Gitea gitea_user: gitea # Maximum size of HTTP and PHP uploads. http_max_upload: 10000M # Document-root of the HTTP server. http_root: /srv/http # URL prefix of Dotclear (blog). http_pfx_dotclear: /blog # URL prefix of Gitea (web UI for Git). http_pfx_gitea: /git # URL prefix of LDAP-Account-Manager (web UI for LDAP). http_pfx_lam: /account # URL prefix of Motion (video surveillance). http_pfx_motion: /netcam # URL prefix of Movim (XMPP web client). http_pfx_movim: /social # URL prefix of Nextcloud (self-hosted “cloud”). http_pfx_nextcloud: /cloud # URL prefix of PrivateBin (self-hosted “pastebin”). http_pfx_privatebin: /paste # URL prefix of Prosody-generated URL (file uploads, BOSH, websockets…). http_pfx_prosody: /xmpp- # URL prefix of SSOwat (SSO and web portal). http_pfx_ssowat: /start # URL prefix of Transmission (web UI for BitTorrent). http_pfx_transmission: /torrent # URL prefix of Wallabag (social sharing of bookmarks). http_pfx_wallabag: /bookmarks # Subdomain-name that will serve DNS packets for Iodine (DNS tunnel). Choose it short! iodine_domain: dt.example.org # Network associated with the DNS tunnel (IP address of the server on this network, “/”, bits for the network-mask). iodine_net: '' # Password of the DNS tunnel. iodine_password: '_t_r___e@6358' # Location of Kodi state data (not the media contents). kodi_data: /var/lib/kodi # System user that will run Kodi. kodi_user: kodi # Master password, needed to change LDAP-Account-Manager settings. lam_master_password: lam # Password policy for LDAP-Account-Manager (https://www.ldap-account-manager.org/static/doc/manual-onePage/#idm695). # “-1” means “all”. lam_checkedRulesCount: -1 lam_passwordMinClasses: 3 lam_passwordMinLength: 10 lam_passwordMinLower: 0 lam_passwordMinNumeric: 0 lam_passwordMinSymbol: 1 lam_passwordMinUpper: 0 lam_passwordMustNotContain3Chars: 'true' lam_passwordMustNotContainUser: 'true' # Title for LDAP-Account-Manager in the SSOwat portal. lam_sso_title: Directory # Additional ACL for LDAP. # This is typically used to give extra powers to users, for example regarding aliases management. ldap_extra_acl: | access to dn.subtree="ou=Aliases,dc=example,dc=org" by dn.base="uid=me,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org" write by self read by * read # Organization-name for this home-server LDAP directory. ldap_o_name: 'Home' # Root of the LDAP directory. Usually the domain-name with commas instead of dots, and “dc=” in front of each level. ldap_root: dc=example,dc=org # Password of the root user (administrator) in OpenLDAP. ldap_rootpw: 'OE104995à6&o_zKR4' # Same password, as expected by OpenLDAP. # See https://gist.github.com/rca/7217540 (python2) or https://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/347.html. ldap_rootpw_sha: '{SSHA}Raa3TlvDPZTjdM44nKZQt+hDvQRvaMDC' # Custom system groups and memberships, declared in LDAP. # This is the right place to declare a group in which to put all real and system users, who will be allowed to read media contents. ldap_system_groups: '[ {"cn": "registered", "gidNumber": 1200} {"cn": "media", "gidNumber": 1201} ]' ldap_system_group_members: '[ {"group": "media", "member": "me"}, {"group": "media", "member": "cloud"}, {"group": "media", "member": "kodi"} ]' # Real users (ie. with a Linux account on the server) to declare in LDAP. # Each user in the JSON list contains: # — uidNumber: a unique user ID, which must be ≥1000; # — gidNumber: a group ID, which should be a “gidNumber” of ldap_system_groups; # — uid: the login name, usually short, without spaces, and all lowercase; # — cn: the user’s firstname; # — sn: the user’s surname; # — password: the user’s password upon creation, in the same format as ldap_rootpw_sha (“change_me” in the example). # These settings are only read when creating the users in LDAP. ldap_system_users: '[ {"uidNumber": 1000, "gidNumber": 1200, "uid": "you", "cn": "Yule-Offa", "sn": "Udel", "password": "{SSHA}393aKNBzihkeHWXalkw/vpdy3dYHoh5L"}, {"uidNumber": 1001, "gidNumber": 1200, "uid": "me", "cn": "Mae", "sn": "Ellen", "password": "{SSHA}393aKNBzihkeHWXalkw/vpdy3dYHoh5L"} ]' # Guest users (they can use the provided software, but do not have a Linux account). # The fields are the same as above, minus the Linux UID and GID numbers. # These settings are only read when creating the users in LDAP. ldap_virtual_users: '[ {"uid": "she", "cn": "Her", "sn": "…", "password": "{SSHA}393aKNBzihkeHWXalkw/vpdy3dYHoh5L"}, {"uid": "he", "cn": "Him", "sn": "…", "password": "{SSHA}393aKNBzihkeHWXalkw/vpdy3dYHoh5L"} ]' # Linux UID and GID to use for users who do not have their own. # 65534 = nobody ldap_virtual_user_uid: 65534 ldap_virtual_user_gid: 65534 # LDAP attributes to assign to users, either Linux users or guests. # Each entry in the list contains: # — uid: the login name of the user to modify; # — attr: the LDAP attribute to set; # — value: the value to store in the chosen attribute. # These settings are enforced at each run. Examples: # — gecos: the full name that typically appears on the login screen; # — http://directory.fedoraproject.org/docs/389ds/design/shadow-account-support.html. ldap_users_attrs: - {uid: "you", attr: "gecos", value: "Y-O. Udel"} - {uid: "you", attr: "shadowLastChange", value: "16000"} - {uid: "you", attr: "shadowMax", value: "99999"} - {uid: "you", attr: "shadowWarning", value: "7"} - {uid: "me", attr: "gecos", value: "M. Ellen"} - {uid: "me", attr: "shadowLastChange", value: "16000"} - {uid: "me", attr: "shadowMax", value: "99999"} - {uid: "me", attr: "shadowWarning", value: "7"} # Login name and password of the LibreOffice OnLine web services’ administrator. # Usefulness not clear; it doesn’t hurt to use the same values as in “nextcloud_admin_user” and “nextcloud_admin_password”… loolwsd_admin_user: nextcloud_admin loolwsd_admin_password: nextcloud_admin # Language used by LibreOffice OnLine (LOOL), either 2 or 5 characters, packaged with CollaboraOnline. loolwsd_lang: en # LibreOffice OnLine’s description: “The maximum percentage of system memory consumed # by all of the LibreOffice Online, after which we start cleaning up idle documents”. loolwsd_maxmem_asdouble: '80.0' # Non-system mail aliases (stored in LDAP, in contrast to system aliases, which are stored in /etc/mail/aliases). # Each entry in the list contains: # — alias: a unique mail alias, either new or with existing associated recipients; # — member: the login name of the user to add as a recipient for the alias. mail_alias_memberships: '[ {"alias": "shop", "member": "you"}, {"alias": "throwable", "member": "me"}, {"alias": "family", "member": "me"}, {"alias": "family", "member": "you"} ]' # DKIM selector to use (see http://yalis.fr/cms/index.php/post/2014/01/31/Why-buy-a-domain-name-Secure-mail%2E). # See the “dmz_exim” role for the storage of the private and public keys. mail_dkim_selector: home # Actual Linux user, that receives all system emails (for root, postmaster, hostmaster…). mail_forward_root_to: me # IPv6 address of the ISP’s smarthost when the ISP does not handle SMTP on IPv6 (example: smtp.bbox.fr). mail_ignore_ip: '2001:860:e2ef::f503:0:2' # All local mail destinations, which include managed domains, as well as host names. mail_local_domains: 'home dmz localhost example.org *.example.org *.local' # Maximum number of SPAM-filter workers. mail_max_spam_workers: 5 # The ISP’s smarthost (which listens on port 25). mail_smtp_smarthost: smtp.bbox.fr # The group name for media contents (see also “ldap_system_groups”). media_group: media # Custom Minidlna configuration, including the locations where it will look for media contents. # None of the “media_dir” paths is currently allowed under /opt. # Apart from “media_dir”, the settings already set upstream must not be overriden. # See also “nfs_exports”, and https://sourceforge.net/p/minidlna/git/ci/master/tree/minidlna.conf (upstream). media_minidlna_conf: | media_dir=V,/srv/nfs/share/video media_dir=A,/srv/nfs/share/my_CDs media_dir=A,/srv/nfs/share/my_MP3 media_dir=P,/srv/nfs/share/photos root_container=B friendly_name=HomeMedia # Motion data directory motion_data: /var/lib/motion motion_cloud_url: 'https://www.mediafire.com/' motion_cloud_login: login motion_cloud_password: password motion_cloud_id: app_id_xxxxx motion_cloud_key: xxxxxxxxxx…xxxxxxxxxx motion_email_recipient: hostmaster@localhost motion_cameras: '[ { "id": 1, "name": "street door", "url": "rtsp://user:password@street.example.org:554/videoMain", "width": 640, "height": 360, "mask_file": "example_mask_640_360.pgm", "framerate": 5 }, { "id": 2, "name": "garden door", "url": "rtsp://user:password@garden.example.org:554/videoMain", "width": 640, "height": 360, "mask_file": null, "framerate": 5 } ]' motion_web_title: "Video surveillance" # Name of the Movim database in PostgreSQL. movim_db: movim # PostgreSQL user who owns the Movim database. movim_db_user: movim # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Movim database. movim_db_password: movim # Administrator for Movim. movim_admin_user: movim_admin # Password of the administrator for Movim. movim_admin_password: movim_admin # Localhost port on which Movim is listening movim_private_port: 33333 # Domain names to which network access from the DMZ is allowed. # This space-separated list should contain: # — the web address for checking the current public IP given by the ISP; # — the web address for updating the dynamic DNS; # — the web address for updating web applications… net_allowed_domains: 'checkip.dns.he.net dyn.dns.he.net freedns.afraid.org download.dotclear.org dotaddict.org api.movim.eu' # Start Of Authority: the root domain name configured on the server. net_soa: example.org # Subdomain for the XMPP multi-user chat component. net_subdom_muc: muc # Subdomain for the XMPP pub-sub component. net_subdom_pubsub: pubsub # Subdomain for which TLS traffic (port 443) is analysed as SSH instead of HTTP. net_subdom_ssh: ssh # Local networks from which network connections are trusted. # OpenSSH requires that the IP in front of the “/” character is the first IP of the range! net_trusted_ranges: ' ::1' # Administrator for Nextcloud (not necessarily an LDAP user). nextcloud_admin_user: nextcloud_admin # Password of the administrator for Nextcloud. nextcloud_admin_password: nextcloud_admin # Path to Nextcloud’s configuration. nextcloud_conf: /etc/webapps/nextcloud/config # Path to local Nextcloud data (not the users’ files). nextcloud_data: /var/lib/nextcloud # Name of the Nextcloud database in PostgreSQL. nextcloud_db: nextcloud # PostgreSQL user who owns the Nextcloud database. nextcloud_db_user: nextcloud # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Nextcloud database. nextcloud_db_password: nextcloud # Path to Nextcloud distribution data (not the users’ files). nextcloud_root: /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud # System user that will run Nextcloud. nextcloud_user: cloud # Local paths (on the safe side of the server) that shall be exported with NFS. # Each entry contains: # — name: the name of the NFS export, under /srv/nfs; # — path: the exported local path. nfs_exports: '[ {"name": "share", "path": "/mnt/share"}, {"name": "share/video", "path": "/mnt/media/video"}, {"name": "share/my_CDs", "path": "/mnt/media/my_CDs"}, {"name": "share/my_MP3", "path": "/mnt/media/my_MP3"}, {"name": "share/photos", "path": "/mnt/media/photos"} ]' # NFS export options (https://linux.die.net/man/5/exports). nfs_options: 'rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,no_wdelay,crossmnt' # Log level for nginx (http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#error_log). nginx_loglevel: info # Administrator password for PostgreSQL. pgpassword: PostgreSQL # Maximum number of PHP-handling processes. php_max_workers: 5 # Maximum number of requests a PHP-handling process can handle before being reset (0: never reset). php_worker_max_reqs: 0 # Maximum number of bytes in a Privatebin paste (or image). privatebin_bytes_limit: 10485760 # Enable discussions in Privatebin (“true” or “false” as a character string). privatebin_enable_discussion: 'false' # Enable passwords in Privatebin (“true” or “false” as a character string). privatebin_enable_passwords: 'false' # Enable uploads in Privatebin (“true” or “false” as a character string). privatebin_enable_uploads: 'true' # Open discussions by default in Privatebin (“true” or “false” as a character string). privatebin_open_discussion: 'false' # Delay in seconds before an opportunistic purge of old pastes is attempted while processing a request. privatebin_purge_delay: 300 # Title for Privatebin in the SSOwat portal. privatebin_sso_title: Privatebin # Name of the Prosody database in PostgreSQL. prosody_db: prosody # PostgreSQL user who owns the Prosody database. prosody_db_user: prosody # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Prosody database. prosody_db_password: prosody # Space-separated list of SANE drivers to keep enabled, for scanner sharing. sane_drivers: epson2 # Space-separated list of pacman mirrors to use. software_mirrors: 'mirror.archlinux.ikoula.com archlinux.vi-di.fr' # Software that will get removed if present, on next run of the playbook (JSON list). software_to_del: '["dhcpcd"]' # Comma-separated list of software that pacman should not automatically upgrade. software_to_ignore: 'linux,linux-firmware,linux-headers' # Environment variables that SSH may keep for remote connections. ssh_accept_env: 'LANG LC_*' # Allow port-forwarding with SSH (“yes” or “no” as a character string). ssh_allow_tcpforward: 'yes' # Allow binding of port-forwardings on the LAN interface with SSH (“yes” or “no” as a character string). ssh_allow_gatewayports: 'yes' # Allow X11 forwarding with SSH (“yes” or “no” as a character string). ssh_allow_x11forward: 'yes' # Allow SSH tunnels (“yes” or “no” as a character string). ssh_allow_tunnel: 'yes' # System user that will accept SSH connections in the DMZ, as a way to get access to the safe zone. ssh_bastion_user: gatekeeper # SHA-512 password of the system user who can remotely SSH to the DMZ (here: “let-me-in”). # See https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/76337 for some help. ssh_bastion_pwd_sha512: '$6$ZN4I.yIVUj0amxqe$5dBx1d34tNm9NMmmFV3UxZ0V2ecmOjefK5dbTW5Da/xC8M78sZbPQdegcqA3/9Wtr2fMQ0y6pxVh31Q01PrfS/' # Client-alive interval for the SSH daemon, in seconds. ssh_clientalive_interval: 600 # Server’s timezone. timezone: Europe/Paris # TLS ciphers to enable in TLS-terminating software (HAProxy, Nginx…). # See https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS. tls_ciphers: 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!DSS' # HAProxy server and bind options to use (https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#5). tls_options: 'no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets' # Transmission (BitTorrent) public/peer port transmission_bt_port: 60000 # Transmission private RPC port (for the Web UI). transmission_rpc_port: 50000 # Path to the directory where Transmission should store the downloads that are finished, on the safe side. transmission_real_done_at: /mnt/share/p2p/iso # Path to the directory where Transmission should read torrent files to process, on the safe side. transmission_real_todo_at: /mnt/share/p2p/iso.torrent # Name given to “transmission_real_done_at” and “transmission_real_todo_at” as NFS exports. transmission_nfs_done_at: share/p2p/iso transmission_nfs_todo_at: share/p2p/iso.torrent # Name of the Wallabag database in PostgreSQL. wallabag_db: wallabag # PostgreSQL user who owns the Wallabag database. wallabag_db_user: wallabag # Password for the PostgreSQL user who owns the Wallabag database. wallabag_db_password: wallabag # Space-separated list of the XMPP accounts that are considered administrators of the XMPP service. xmpp_admins: 'me@example.org' # Network hosts from which registration is possible (else it is forbidden). # Registration of hosted users is automatic. xmpp_registration_hosts: '' # Secret value known to the XMPP upload service (HTTP), so that it is only used by the XMPP network. xmpp_upload_secret: 'xmpp upload secret'