--- # The home-server project produces a multi-purpose setup using Ansible. # Copyright © 2018 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. # mandatory parameters: pkg_name, pre_cmd, aur_user - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → read current version shell: | pacman -Qi '{{pkg_name}}' | awk -F ': ' '/^Version/{print $2}' register: pacmanQi changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → get metadata from AurJson uri: url: https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/?v=5&type=info&arg={{pkg_name | mandatory}} connection: local register: aurjson changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → get package recipe get_url: url: https://aur.archlinux.org{{aurjson.json.results[0].URLPath}} dest: /tmp/ connection: local when: - (aurjson.json.results[0].Version != (pacmanQi.stdout | default())) register: aur_recipe changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → proceed with the install/upgrade block: - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → extract the recipe files unarchive: src: '{{aur_recipe.dest}}' dest: /var/tmp/ changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → work with the recipe block: - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → run custom pre-processing commands shell: "{{pre_cmd}}" args: chdir: /var/tmp/{{aurjson.json.results[0].PackageBase}} warn: false when: pre_cmd register: debugCustom - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → see custom pre-processing commands’ result debug: var: debugCustom when: pre_cmd changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → read the real version command: > bash -c " makepkg -do >/dev/null 2>&1 ; makepkg --printsrcinfo | awk '$1==\"pkgver\"{v=$3};$1==\"pkgrel\"{r=$3};END{printf \"%s-%s\",v,r}'" args: chdir: /var/tmp/{{aurjson.json.results[0].PackageBase}} register: realVersion changed_when: false ignore_errors: true - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → proceed with building the package block: - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → install dependencies and build command: | makepkg --noconfirm --noprogressbar -Cmfs args: chdir: /var/tmp/{{aurjson.json.results[0].PackageBase}} changed_when: false - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → install package shell: | pacman --noconfirm --noprogressbar --needed -U *.pkg.tar.* args: chdir: /var/tmp/{{aurjson.json.results[0].PackageBase}} become: false register: pacman_output changed_when: - (pacman_output.stdout is defined) - (pacman_output.stdout.find('there is nothing to do') == -1) when: - (realVersion.stdout != (pacmanQi.stdout | default())) always: - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → clean the build directory file: path: /var/tmp/{{aurjson.json.results[0].PackageBase}} state: absent changed_when: false become: true become_user: "{{aur_user}}" when: - (aurjson.json.results[0].Version != (pacmanQi.stdout | default())) always: - name: AUR → {{pkg_name}} → clean package recipe file: path: '{{aur_recipe.dest}}' state: absent connection: local become: false changed_when: false