
72 lignes
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# The home-server project produces a multi-purpose setup using Ansible.
# Copyright © 2018 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license.
# Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing.
- hosts: back
remote_user: root
- _maintenance_start
- init
- transmission_back
- ntp
- cleanupdate
- printscan
- sockets
- front
- postinstall
- msmtp
- nfs
- transmission_nfs
- pyruse
- nftables_back
- postgresql
- slapd
- php
- ldap
# - wallabag_back
- dotclear_back
# - movim_back
- prosody_back
- ihmgit_back
- nextcloud_back
- ssh
- dovecot
- mediaplayer
- motion_back
- front_run
- acme_back
- nextcloud_davfs
- _maintenance_stop
- hosts: front
remote_user: root
- _maintenance_start
- init
- cleanupdate
- postinstall
- ldap
- iodine
- ddclient_HE_example
- ddclient_FreeDNS_example
- dmz_nginx
- ssowat
- php
- ssh
- transmission
- dmz_exim
- dmz_haproxy
- dmz_ihmgit_front
- dmz_nextcloud_front
- dmz_dotclear_front
- dmz_ihmldap
- dmz_prosody_front
- dmz_motion_front
# - dmz_wallabag_front
- acme_front
- privatebin
# - dmz_movim_front
- nftables_front
- _maintenance_stop