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#!/usr/bin/env nft -f
# The home-server project produces a multi-purpose setup using Ansible.
# Copyright © 2018 Y. Gablin, under the GPL-3.0-or-later license.
# Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing.
flush ruleset
{% for V in ['4', '6'] %}
{% set v = V | replace('4', '') %}
{% macro trust(list) %}
{% for net in list.split(' ') %}
{% if not net is match('127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}(?:/\d+)?|::1|^$') %}
{% if (net is match('\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}(?:/\d+)?')
and V == '4') or (net is search(':') and V == '6') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
table ip{{v}} Inet{{V}} {
chain CheckNet {
{% call(net) trust(net_trusted_ranges) %}
ip{{v}} saddr {{net}} return
{% endcall %}
{% if V == '4' %}
reject with icmp type admin-prohibited
{% else %}
reject with icmpv6 type admin-prohibited
{% endif %}
chain FilterIn {
type filter hook input priority 0
policy drop
# allow established/related connections
ct state {established, related} accept
# early drop of invalid connections
ct state invalid drop
# allow from loopback
meta iif lo accept
# allow icmp
{% if V == '4' %}
ip protocol icmp accept
{% else %}
ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept
{% endif %}
# allow multicast (for DLNA)
meta pkttype multicast accept
# git/ssh
tcp dport 2222 accept
# kodi upnp
{% call(net) trust(net_trusted_ranges + ' ' + fw_dlna_clients) %}
tcp dport 1088 ip{{v}} saddr {{net}} accept
udp dport 1900 ip{{v}} saddr {{net}} accept
{% endcall %}
# minidlna
{% call(net) trust(net_trusted_ranges + ' ' + fw_dlna_clients) %}
tcp dport 8200 ip{{v}} saddr {{net}} accept
udp dport 8200 ip{{v}} saddr {{net}} accept
{% endcall %}
# trusted hosts
jump CheckNet
# ssh
tcp dport 22 accept
{% call(net) trust(DMZ_IP) %}
# lmtp
tcp dport 24 ip saddr {{net}} accept
{% endcall %}
# portmapper
tcp dport 111 accept
udp dport 111 accept
# imap
tcp dport 143 accept
tcp dport 220 accept
# ldap
tcp dport 389 accept
# cups
tcp dport 631 accept
# nfsd, statd (×2), mountd, lockd
tcp dport 2049 accept
udp dport 2049 accept
tcp dport 2050 accept
udp dport 2050 accept
tcp dport 2051 accept
udp dport 2051 accept
tcp dport 2052 accept
udp dport 2052 accept
tcp dport 2053 accept
udp dport 2053 accept
# pulseaudio
tcp dport 4713 accept
# zeroconf
udp dport 5353 accept
# sane
tcp dport 6515-6566 accept
# kodi
tcp dport 8080 accept
{% call(net) trust(DMZ_IP) %}
# libreoffice online
tcp dport 9980 ip saddr {{net}} accept
{% endcall %}
chain FilterOut {
type filter hook output priority 0
policy accept
{% endfor %}