# pyruse is intended as a replacement to both fail2ban and epylog # Copyright © 2017–2018 Y. Gablin # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. import json import os import string from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum, unique from pyruse import base, config, email @unique class Details(Enum): NONE = [ lambda l: [] ] FIRST = [ lambda l: ["From : " + str(t) for t in l[:1]] ] LAST = [ lambda l: ["Until: " + str(t) for t in l[-1:]] ] FIRSTLAST = [ lambda l: ["From : " + str(l[0]), "Until: " + str(l[-1])] if len(l) > 1 else [str(t) for t in l] ] ALL = [ lambda l: [str(t) for t in l] ] def __init__(self, wrapper): self.fn = wrapper[0] def toAdoc(self, times): return " +\n ".join(str(t) for t in self.fn(times)) def toHtml(self, times): return "
".join(str(t) for t in self.fn(times)) class Action(base.Action): _storage = config.Config().asMap().get("storage", "/var/lib/pyruse") \ + "/" + os.path.basename(__file__) + ".journal" _out = None _hour = 0 _txtDocStart = '= Pyruse Report\n\n' _txtHeadWarn = '== WARNING Messages\n\n' _txtHeadInfo = '\n== Information Messages\n\n' _txtHeadOther = '\n== Other log events\n\n' _txtTableDelim = '|===============================================================================\n' _txtTableHeader = '|Count|Message |Date+time for each occurrence\n' _txtPreDelim = '----------\n' _htmDocStart = '\n\n\n

Pyruse Report

\n' _htmDocStop = '' _htmHeadWarn = '

WARNING Messages

\n' _htmHeadInfo = '

Information Messages

\n' _htmHeadOther = '

Other log events

\n' _htmTableStart = '\n\n' _htmTableStop = '
CountMessageDate+time for each occurrence
\n' _htmPreStart = '
    _htmPreStop = '
\n' def _closeJournal(): Action._out.write("{}]") Action._out.close() Action._out = None def _openJournal(): if Action._out is None: if os.path.exists(Action._storage): Action._out = open(Action._storage, "a", 1) else: Action._out = open(Action._storage, "w", 1) Action._out.write("[\n") def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() l = args["level"] if l == "WARN": self.level = 1 elif l == "INFO": self.level = 2 else: self.level = 0 self.template = args["message"] values = {} for (_void, name, _void, _void) in string.Formatter().parse(self.template): if name: values[name] = None self.values = values ts = args.get("details", Details.ALL.name) for e in Details: if ts == e.name: self.details = e break else: self.details = Details.ALL def act(self, entry): for (name, _void) in self.values.items(): self.values[name] = entry.get(name, None) msg = self.template.format_map(self.values) json.dump( OrderedDict(L = self.level, T = entry["__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"].timestamp(), M = msg, D = self.details.name), Action._out ) Action._out.write(",\n") thisHour = datetime.today().hour if thisHour < Action._hour: Action._closeJournal() self._sendReport() Action._openJournal() Action._hour = thisHour def _encode(self, text): return text.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') def _toAdoc(self, msg, times): return "\n|{count:^5d}|{text}\n |{times}\n".format_map({ "count": sum(len(t) for (_void, t) in times.items()), "text": msg, "times": "\n +\n ".join(d.toAdoc(t) for (d,t) in times.items()) }) def _toHtml(self, msg, times): return "{count}{text}{times}\n".format_map({ "count": sum(len(t) for (_void, t) in times.items()), "text": self._encode(msg), "times": "

".join(d.toHtml(t) for (d,t) in times.items()) }) def _sendReport(self): messages = [[], {}, {}] with open(Action._storage) as journal: for e in json.load(journal): if e != {}: (L, T, M, D) = (e["L"], datetime.fromtimestamp(e["T"]), e["M"], e.get("D", Details.ALL.name)) if L == 0: messages[0].append((T, M)) else: dd = Details[D] if M not in messages[L]: messages[L][M] = {} if dd not in messages[L][M]: messages[L][M][dd] = [] messages[L][M][dd].append(T) os.remove(Action._storage) html = Action._htmDocStart + Action._htmHeadWarn text = Action._txtDocStart + Action._txtHeadWarn text += Action._txtTableDelim + Action._txtTableHeader html += Action._htmTableStart for (msg, times) in sorted(messages[1].items(), key = lambda i: i[0]): text += self._toAdoc(msg, times) html += self._toHtml(msg, times) text += Action._txtTableDelim html += Action._htmTableStop text += Action._txtHeadInfo html += Action._htmHeadInfo text += Action._txtTableDelim + Action._txtTableHeader html += Action._htmTableStart for (msg, times) in sorted(messages[2].items(), key = lambda i: i[0]): text += self._toAdoc(msg, times) html += self._toHtml(msg, times) text += Action._txtTableDelim html += Action._htmTableStop text += Action._txtHeadOther html += Action._htmHeadOther text += Action._txtPreDelim html += Action._htmPreStart for (time, msg) in messages[0]: m = '%s: %s\n' % (time, msg) text += m html += self._encode(m) text += Action._txtPreDelim html += Action._htmPreStop html += Action._htmDocStop email.Mail(text, html).send() Action._openJournal()