# pyruse is intended as a replacement to both fail2ban and epylog # Copyright © 2017 Y. Gablin # Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or gnu.org/licences/gpl-3.0.txt if the file is missing. import json import os import string from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from pyruse import base, config, email class Action(base.Action): _storage = config.Config().asMap().get("storage", "/var/lib/pyruse") \ + "/" + os.path.basename(__file__) + ".journal" _hour = 0 _out = open(_storage, "w", 1) _out.write("[\n") _txtDocStart = '= Pyruse Report\n\n' _txtHeadWarn = '== WARNING Messages\n\n' _txtHeadInfo = '\n== Information Messages\n\n' _txtHeadOther = '\n== Other log events\n\n' _txtTableDelim = '|===============================================================================\n' _txtTableHeader = '|Count|Message |Date+time for each occurrence\n' _txtPreDelim = '----------\n' _htmDocStart = '\n\n\n

Pyruse Report

\n' _htmDocStop = '' _htmHeadWarn = '

WARNING Messages

\n' _htmHeadInfo = '

Information Messages

\n' _htmHeadOther = '

Other log events

\n' _htmTableStart = '\n\n' _htmTableStop = '
CountMessageDate+time for each occurrence
\n' _htmPreStart = '
    _htmPreStop = '
\n' def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() l = args["level"] if l == "WARN": self.level = 1 elif l == "INFO": self.level = 2 else: self.level = 0 self.template = args["message"] values = {} for (_void, name, _void, _void) in string.Formatter().parse(self.template): if name: values[name] = None self.values = values def act(self, entry): for (name, _void) in self.values.items(): self.values[name] = entry.get(name, None) msg = self.template.format_map(self.values) json.dump( OrderedDict(L = self.level, T = entry["__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"].timestamp(), M = msg), Action._out ) Action._out.write(",\n") thisHour = datetime.today().hour if thisHour < Action._hour: self._closeJournal() self._sendReport() self._openJournal() Action._hour = thisHour def _closeJournal(self): Action._out.write("{}]") Action._out.close() def _openJournal(self): Action._out = open(Action._storage, "w", 1) Action._out.write("[\n") def _encode(self, text): return text.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') def _toAdoc(self, msg, times): return "\n|{count:^5d}|{text}\n |{times}\n".format_map( {"count": len(times), "text": msg, "times": " +\n ".join(str(t) for t in times)} ) def _toHtml(self, msg, times): return "{count}{text}{times}\n".format_map( {"count": len(times), "text": self._encode(msg), "times": "
".join(str(t) for t in times)} ) def _sendReport(self): messages = [[], {}, {}] with open(Action._storage) as journal: for e in json.load(journal): if e != {}: (L, T, M) = (e["L"], datetime.fromtimestamp(e["T"]), e["M"]) if L == 0: messages[0].append((T, M)) elif M in messages[L]: messages[L][M].append(T) else: messages[L][M] = [T] html = Action._htmDocStart + Action._htmHeadWarn text = Action._txtDocStart + Action._txtHeadWarn text += Action._txtTableDelim + Action._txtTableHeader html += Action._htmTableStart for (msg, times) in sorted(messages[1].items(), key = lambda i: i[0]): text += self._toAdoc(msg, times) html += self._toHtml(msg, times) text += Action._txtTableDelim html += Action._htmTableStop text += Action._txtHeadInfo html += Action._htmHeadInfo text += Action._txtTableDelim + Action._txtTableHeader html += Action._htmTableStart for (msg, times) in sorted(messages[2].items(), key = lambda i: i[0]): text += self._toAdoc(msg, times) html += self._toHtml(msg, times) text += Action._txtTableDelim html += Action._htmTableStop text += Action._txtHeadOther html += Action._htmHeadOther text += Action._txtPreDelim html += Action._htmPreStart for (time, msg) in messages[0]: m = '%s: %s\n' % (time, msg) text += m html += self._encode(m) text += Action._txtPreDelim html += Action._htmPreStop html += Action._htmDocStop email.Mail(text, html).send()