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Built-in filters

Pyruse comes with a few very simple filters.

=, , , in

The filters filter_equals, filter_lowerOrEquals, and filter_greaterOrEquals simply check equality or inequality between a given field, given by the parameter field, and a constant value, given py the parameter value. Both parameters are mandatory. Here are two examples:

  "filter": "filter_greaterOrEquals",
  "args": { "field": "IPfailures", "value": 6 }

  "filter": "filter_equals",
  "args": { "field": "_SYSTEMD_UNIT", "value": "nginx.service" }

Filter filter_in works the same way as filter_equals does, except that instead of a single value, a values list is given, and equality between the fields contents and any of the lists items is considered a success. Here is an example:

  "filter": "filter_in",
  "args": { "field": "PRIORITY", "values": [ 2, 3 ] }

For any of these filters, the constant values must be of the same type as the typical contents of the chosen field.

Test if an IP address is part of given networks

Filter filter_inNetworks reads an IP address in a field given by the field parameter, and a list of networks in the nets parameter; each net is written as an IP address, then “/”, then an integer network mask.

The filter is passing if the IP address that was read is part of one of the networks configured for the filter.

Here is an example:

  "filter": "filter_inNetworks",
  "args": { "field": "IP", "nets": [ "fd00::/8", "", "", "" ] }

Perl-compatible regular expressions (pcre)

Filter filter_pcre should only be used on character strings. Like the above filters, it works on a field given by the field parameter, and the regular expression being looked for is given by the re parameter. Both parameters are mandatory.

The regular expression in the re parameter may contain capturing groups:

  • Named capturing groups use the (?P<groupName>…) notation; the captured value is always stored under the key groupName in the current entry.
  • Anonymous capturing groups stem from the use of simple parenthesis: (…); these are not saved by default, but a save parameter (a list) may be specified, so that the captured values get stored in the current entry, using the names given by save.

Here are two identical examples:

  "filter": "filter_pcre",
  "args": {
    "field": "MESSAGE",
    "re": "^\\{core\\} Login failed: '(.*)' \\(Remote IP: '(.*)'\\)",
    "save": [ "thatUser", "thatIP" ]

  "filter": "filter_pcre",
  "args": {
    "field": "MESSAGE",
    "re": "^\\{core\\} Login failed: '(?P<thatUser>.*)' \\(Remote IP: '(?P<thatIP>.*)'\\)"

Filter filter_pcreAny is to filter_pcre what filter_in is to filter_equals. It works the same way as filter_pcre, except that instead of a single regular expression, its re parameter contains a list of regular expressions, and a match in the fields contents is accepted with any of these regular expressions.

In contrast with filter_pcre, filter_pcreAny does not accept the save parameter: the order of fields cannot be guaranted to be the same accross several regular expressions.

Here is an example:

  "filter": "filter_pcreAny",
  "args": {
    "field": "MESSAGE",
    "re": [
      "^Failed password for (?P<thatUser>.*) from (?P<thatIP>(?!192\\.168\\.1\\.201 )[^ ]*) port",
      "^Invalid user (?P<thatUser>.*) from (?P<thatIP>(?!192\\.168\\.1\\.201 )[^ ]*) port"

User existence

Filter filter_userExists knows of only one —mandatory— parameter: field. This filter is passing, if the system reports the user whose name is the value of the chosen field as existing, and non-passing otherwise.

Here is an example:

  "filter": "filter_userExists",
  "args": { "field": "thatUser" }