
329 lines
8.5 KiB

use crate::domain::{Config, Module, ModulesPort, Record, Step};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Add;
struct Node {
name: String,
module: Module,
then_dest: isize, // <0 for a leaf-Node
else_dest: isize, // <0 for a leaf-Node
impl Node {
fn run(&self, record: &mut Record) -> isize {
if let Ok(b) = {
if b {
} else {
} else {
pub struct Workflow {
nodes: Vec<Node>,
impl Workflow {
pub fn run(&self, record: &mut Record) {
let mut i = 0 as isize;
while {
i = self.nodes[i as usize].run(record);
i >= 0
} {}
pub fn build(conf: &mut Config, available: &dyn ModulesPort) -> Workflow {
let mut seen: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let mut nodes: Vec<Node> = Vec::new();
let mut dangling: DanglingInfo = HashMap::new();
for (name, chain) in conf.actions.drain(..) {
build_chain(name, chain, &mut nodes, &mut seen, &mut dangling, available);
if nodes.is_empty() {
panic!("A configuration must have at least one module.");
if !dangling.is_empty() {
let mut error = "Incomplete configuration:".to_string();
let mut unknown = false;
for (o, v) in dangling {
if let Some(c) = o {
unknown = true;
error = format!(
"{}\n\tReference to unknown chain “{}” found at:",
&error, &c
for (i, is_then) in v {
error = format!(
"{}\n\t {}:{}",
if is_then { "then" } else { "else" }
if unknown {
Workflow { nodes }
type DanglingInfo = HashMap<Option<String>, Vec<(usize, bool)>>;
fn build_chain(
chain_name: String,
chain: Vec<Step>,
nodes: &mut Vec<Node>,
seen: &mut Vec<String>,
dangling: &mut DanglingInfo,
available: &dyn ModulesPort,
) {
let mut index = 0;
for step in chain {
let next_node_u = nodes.len();
let next_node_i = next_node_u as isize;
let mut then_was_used = false;
if index == 0 {
if let Some(v) = dangling.remove(&Some(&chain_name).cloned()) {
for (i, is_then) in v {
match is_then {
true => nodes.get_mut(i).unwrap().then_dest = next_node_i,
false => nodes.get_mut(i).unwrap().else_dest = next_node_i,
} else if let Some(v) = dangling.remove(&None) {
for (i, is_then) in v {
match is_then {
true => nodes.get_mut(i).unwrap().then_dest = next_node_i,
false => nodes.get_mut(i).unwrap().else_dest = next_node_i,
} else {
nodes.get_mut(next_node_u - 1).unwrap().then_dest = next_node_i;
let name = chain_name
.add(&format!("[{}]:{}", index, &step.module));
let module = Module::new(step.module, step.args, available)
.expect(&format!("Module {} could not be created.", &name));
let then_dest = step
.map(|c| {
if seen.contains(&c) {
panic!(format!("Configuration loop at {}:then", name));
then_was_used = true;
node_wants_chain(next_node_u, true, dangling, Some(c));
let else_dest = step
.map(|c| {
if seen.contains(&c) {
panic!(format!("Configuration loop at {}:else", name));
node_wants_chain(next_node_u, false, dangling, Some(c));
node_wants_chain(next_node_u, false, dangling, None);
nodes.push(Node {
index += 1;
if then_was_used {
fn node_wants_chain(
next_node_index: usize,
is_then: bool,
dangling: &mut DanglingInfo,
wanted_chain: Option<String>,
) {
let mut d = dangling.remove(&wanted_chain).unwrap_or(Vec::new());
d.push((next_node_index, is_then));
dangling.insert(wanted_chain, d);
mod tests {
use crate::domain::test_util::*;
use crate::domain::{AvailableAction, AvailableFilter, Chain, Config, Record, Step, Value, Workflow};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[should_panic(expected = "A configuration must have at least one module.")]
fn empty_config_results_in_panic() {
// Given
let mut conf = Config {
actions: IndexMap::new(),
options: HashMap::new(),
let mods = FakeModulesAdapter::new(&[], &[]);
// When
let _wf = Workflow::build(&mut conf, &mods);
fn config_with_one_module_is_ok() {
// Given
let mut actions: IndexMap<String, Chain> = IndexMap::new();
vec![Step {
module: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
then_dest: None,
else_dest: None,
let mut conf = Config {
options: HashMap::new(),
let aa = [AvailableAction {
name: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
cons: |_| Box::new(FakeAction {}),
let mods = FakeModulesAdapter::new(&aa, &[]);
let mut record: Record = HashMap::new();
// When
let wf = Workflow::build(&mut conf, &mods); record);
// Then
assert!(wf.nodes.len() == 1);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].name == "chain1[0]:fake_action");
assert!(wf.nodes[0].then_dest < 0);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].else_dest < 0);
assert!(record[ACT_NAME] == Value::Int(1));
assert!(record.get(FLT_NAME) == None);
fn explicit_chain_to_chain_link_works() {
// Given
let mut actions: IndexMap<String, Chain> = IndexMap::new();
vec![Step {
module: FLT_NAME.to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
then_dest: None,
else_dest: Some("chain2".to_string()),
vec![Step {
module: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
then_dest: None,
else_dest: None,
let mut conf = Config {
options: HashMap::new(),
let aa = [AvailableAction {
name: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
cons: |_| Box::new(FakeAction {}),
let af = [AvailableFilter {
name: FLT_NAME.to_string(),
cons: |_| Box::new(FakeFilter {}),
let mods = FakeModulesAdapter::new(&aa, &af);
let mut record: Record = HashMap::new();
// When
let wf = Workflow::build(&mut conf, &mods); record);
// Then
assert!(wf.nodes.len() == 2);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].name == "chain1[0]:fake_filter");
assert!(wf.nodes[1].name == "chain2[0]:fake_action");
assert!(wf.nodes[0].then_dest < 0);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].else_dest == 1);
assert!(wf.nodes[1].then_dest < 0);
assert!(wf.nodes[1].else_dest < 0);
assert!(record[ACT_NAME] == Value::Int(1));
assert!(record[FLT_NAME] == Value::Int(1));
fn implicit_chain_to_chain_link_works() {
// Given
let mut actions: IndexMap<String, Chain> = IndexMap::new();
vec![Step {
module: FLT_NAME.to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
then_dest: None,
else_dest: None,
vec![Step {
module: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
args: HashMap::new(),
then_dest: None,
else_dest: None,
let mut conf = Config {
options: HashMap::new(),
let aa = [AvailableAction {
name: ACT_NAME.to_string(),
cons: |_| Box::new(FakeAction {}),
let af = [AvailableFilter {
name: FLT_NAME.to_string(),
cons: |_| Box::new(FakeFilter {}),
let mods = FakeModulesAdapter::new(&aa, &af);
let mut record: Record = HashMap::new();
// When
let wf = Workflow::build(&mut conf, &mods); record);
// Then
assert!(wf.nodes.len() == 2);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].name == "chain1[0]:fake_filter");
assert!(wf.nodes[1].name == "chain2[0]:fake_action");
assert!(wf.nodes[0].then_dest < 0);
assert!(wf.nodes[0].else_dest == 1);
assert!(wf.nodes[1].then_dest < 0);
assert!(wf.nodes[1].else_dest < 0);
assert!(record[ACT_NAME] == Value::Int(1));
assert!(record[FLT_NAME] == Value::Int(1));