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# pyruse is intended as a replacement to both fail2ban and epylog
# Copyright © 2017 Y. Gablin
# Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or if the file is missing.
import importlib
from pyruse import log
_modules = {}
class Module:
def __init__(self, isAction, module, thenRun, elseRun):
self.isAction = isAction
self.isFilter = not isAction
self.module = module
self.thenRun = thenRun
self.elseRun = elseRun
def get(moduleDesc):
if "filter" in moduleDesc:
isAction = False
mod = _getModule("pyruse.filters." + moduleDesc["filter"])
obj = mod.Filter(moduleDesc.get("args", {}))
thenRun = None
elseRun = moduleDesc["else"] if "else" in moduleDesc else None
elif "action" in moduleDesc:
isAction = True
mod = _getModule("pyruse.actions." + moduleDesc["action"])
obj = mod.Action(moduleDesc.get("args", {}))
thenRun = moduleDesc["then"] if "then" in moduleDesc else None
elseRun = None
raise ValueError("Step is neither “filter” nor “action”: %s\n" % str(moduleDesc))
return Module(isAction, obj, thenRun, elseRun)
def _getModule(modName):
if modName not in _modules:
module = importlib.import_module(modName)
except ImportError as e:
log.error("Module %s not found.\n" % modName)
raise e
_modules[modName] = module
return _modules[modName]