
16 lines
695 B

# pyruse is intended as a replacement to both fail2ban and epylog
# Copyright © 2017 Y. Gablin
# Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or if the file is missing.
from pyruse.filters.filter_pcreAny import Filter
def whenMatchesThenTrue():
assert Filter({"field": "v", "re": ["cool", "ok"]}).filter({"v": "joke"})
def whenNoMatchThenFalse():
assert not Filter({"field": "v", "re": ["bad", "ko"]}).filter({"v": "Koala"})
def whenNamedGroupsThenFoundInEntry():
entry = {"v": "It works or not"}
Filter({"field": "v", "re": ["^(?P<o>It)(?P<k> works)", "(?P<k>or)(?P<o> not)$"]}).filter(entry)
assert entry["o"] + entry["k"] == "It works"