
98 lines
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Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

# pyruse is intended as a replacement to both fail2ban and epylog
# Copyright © 20172018 Y. Gablin
# Full licensing information in the LICENSE file, or if the file is missing.
from datetime import datetime
_mappings = []
def _cleanMappings():
global _mappings
now = int(
_mappings = [m for m in _mappings if (now >> m["bits"]) <= m["time"]]
def putMapping(mapping):
global _mappings
def getMappings():
global _mappings
return _mappings
def periodBits(keepSeconds):
seconds, bits = keepSeconds, 0
while seconds:
bits += 1
seconds = seconds >> 1
return bits # number of significant bits in keepSeconds
def valueFor(spec, entry):
return spec[1] if spec[0] is None else entry.get(spec[0], spec[1])
class Mapper():
def __init__(self, saddr, sport, addr, port, daddr, dport, keepSeconds):
for spec in [saddr, addr]:
if spec[0] is None and spec[1] is None:
raise ValueError("Neither field nor value was specified for address")
self.saddr = saddr = sport
self.addr = addr
self.port = port
self.daddr = daddr
self.dport = dport
self.keepBits = periodBits(keepSeconds)
def map(self, entry):
saddr = valueFor(self.saddr, entry)
addr = valueFor(self.addr, entry)
if saddr is None or addr is None:
sport = valueFor(, entry)
port = valueFor(self.port, entry)
daddr = valueFor(self.daddr, entry)
dport = valueFor(self.dport, entry)
bits = self.keepBits,
time = 1 + (int(entry["__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"].timestamp()) >> self.keepBits),
saddr = saddr, sport = sport,
addr = addr, port = port,
daddr = daddr, dport = dport
class Matcher():
def __init__(self, addr, port, daddr, dport, saddr, sport):
if addr is None and port is None and daddr is None and dport is None:
raise ValueError("No field was provided on which to do the matching")
if saddr is None and sport is None:
raise ValueError("No field was provided in which to store the translated values")
matchers = []
updaters = []
if addr is not None:
matchers.append((addr, "addr"))
if port is not None:
matchers.append((port, "port"))
if daddr is not None:
matchers.append((daddr, "daddr"))
if dport is not None:
matchers.append((dport, "dport"))
if saddr is not None:
updaters.append((saddr, "saddr"))
if sport is not None:
updaters.append((sport, "sport"))
self.matchers = matchers
self.updaters = updaters
def replace(self, entry):
for field, _void in self.matchers:
if field not in entry:
for mapping in getMappings():
for field, mapEntry in self.matchers:
if entry[field] != mapping[mapEntry]:
for field, mapEntry in self.updaters:
entry[field] = mapping[mapEntry]